Student login
Consider this page your one-stop place to find all the tools you will need as a student at SUNY Adirondack. (You might want to bookmark it ...)

Tools for students
Register for courses, print class schedules, review and accept your financial aid, obtain your login information, find access information for the campus wireless network and, if you are a student employee, check your payroll.
SUNY Adirondack uses Brightspace as its Digital Learning Environment (DLE), where you can access your syllabi, see and submit classroom assignments, and connect with professors.
Campus email
Email is the college's official form of communication.
Campus technology

Rita Debnam
- Principal Typist
Help Desk
- help@sunyacc.edu
- 518-743-2409
- 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday
- Scoville Learning Center, Suite 134